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wade has a hangover 2011 16 by 20

wade is a very surprised blue cat on every second tuesday 2010 8 by 10

The Emergence of wade 2008 9x12

Oh Lord, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Wade 12x16 Acrylic 2007

teacher wade says deal 30 art 34 by 24

wades mystic cow

wade's geometric cow 2007 16 by 20

wades dog is missing 2009 16 by 20

Wades cow is a mess 2006 18 by 24

Wades chimp post nuclear armageddon 2007 16 x 20

wade wears his heart on his waistcoat 18x24

wade the town crier 2011 16 by 20

Wade Sets His Jaw 18x24

Will Wade Ever Feel at Home in the Universe 2002 16x20

wade's ex girlfriends enjoying themselves in tahiti 2011 18 by 24
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